

Village Bhagwantpur of Sironj, Vidisha comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 28 kms far from city SIRONJ. Total Population of Village is 1919 and household count is 361. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Govt Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Primary Heallth Sub Centre. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Bhagwantpur (214)


Village Bhagwantpur (214) of Rupnagar, Rupnagar comes under state Punjab. This is situated 9 kms far from city RUPNAGAR. Total Population of Village is 914 and household count is 180. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Govt Secondary, Govt Senior Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Bighapur, Unnao comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 44 kms far from city UNNAO. Total Population of Village is 521 and household count is 83. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Robertsganj, Sonbhadra comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 28 kms far from city ROBERTSGANJ. Total Population of Village is 49 and household count is 8. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Robertsganj, Sonbhadra comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0 kms far from city SONBHADRA. Total Population of Village is 248 and household count is 51. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.

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Bhagwant Pur


Village Bhagwant Pur of Mahmudabad, Sitapur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 22 kms far from city SITAPUR. Total Population of Village is 2213 and household count is 412. For Education Village has facility of Private Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Biswan, Sitapur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0 kms far from city SITAPUR. Total Population of Village is 347 and household count is 65. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Sitapur, Sitapur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city SITAPUR. Total Population of Village is 594 and household count is 109. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Shahabad , Rampur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 1516 and household count is 244. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Maternity And Child Welfare Centre. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Bilhaur , Kanpur Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 1488 and household count is 277. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Bhagwant Pur


Village Bhagwant Pur of Chhibramau, Kannauj comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 10 kms far from city SAURIKH. Total Population of Village is 186 and household count is 27. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Bhagwant Pur


Village Bhagwant Pur of Chhibramau, Kannauj comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city CHHIBRAMAU. Total Population of Village is 2796 and household count is 406. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of Government Non Formal Training Centre. For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Sawayajpur, Hardoi comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0.5 kms far from city PALI. Total Population of Village is 825 and household count is 153. For Education Village has facility of Private Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, Private Secondary, Govt Senior Secondary, Private Senior Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient. Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Covered Well, Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Etah, Etah comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 22 kms far from city ETAH. Total Population of Village is 2987 and household count is 469. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of Government Non Formal Training Centre. For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Chandpur, Bijnor comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 6 kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 937 and household count is 176. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.

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Village Bhagwantpur of Auraiya , Auraiya comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city AURAIYA. Total Population of Village is 0 and household count is . For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .

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Bhagwant Pur


Village Bhagwant Pur of Dehradun, Dehradun comes under state UTTARAKHAND. This is situated 10 kms far from city DEHRADUN. Total Population of Village is 302 and household count is 73. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Primary Health Centre, Primary Heallth Sub Centre, Hospital Allopathic, Dispensary, Mobile Health Clinic, Family Welfare Centre. Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, River/Canal. Waste water flows by closed Drainage.

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