Village Dharmpur of Gaighata, North Twenty Fou comes under state West Beng. This is situated 9 kms far from city HABRA. Total Population of Village is 5090 and household count is 1205. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Govt Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Primary Health Centre, Primary Heallth Sub Centre, Maternity And Child Welfare Centre, TB Clinic, Hospital Allopathic, Mobile Health Clinic. Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by closed Drainage, open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 14 kms far from city GORAKHPUR. Total Population of Village is 0 and household count is . For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .
Village Residents
Dharm Pur
Kasganj - Kanshi Ram Nagar»उत्तरप्रदेश
Village Dharm Pur of Kasganj, Kanshiram Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city KANSHIRAM NAGAR. Total Population of Village is 325 and household count is 54. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Kasganj - Kanshi Ram Nagar»उत्तरप्रदेश
Village Dharmpur of Patiyali, Kanshiram Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 35 kms far from city KANSHIRAM NAGAR. Total Population of Village is 2286 and household count is 311. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Maharajganj, Mahrajganj comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city MAHRAJGANJ. Total Population of Village is 3410 and household count is 532. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Dharm Pur
Village Dharm Pur of Ghosi, Mau comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 5 kms far from city MAU. Total Population of Village is 102 and household count is 16. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Ghosi, Mau comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 16 kms far from city MAU. Total Population of Village is 112 and household count is 13. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by closed Drainage, open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Shahabad , Rampur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 18 kms far from city VILARI. Total Population of Village is 864 and household count is 144. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Milak , Rampur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 18 kms far from city RAMPUR. Total Population of Village is 1275 and household count is 196. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Mahmudabad, Sitapur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 48 kms far from city SITAPUR. Total Population of Village is 4650 and household count is 843. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Dharmpur (97)
Village Dharmpur (97) of Dharmpur, Mandi comes under state HIMACHAL PRADESH. This is situated 20 kms far from city SARKAGHAT. Total Population of Village is 643 and household count is 168. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, Govt Secondary, Govt Senior Secondary, school.For higher education village also has Govt Arts and Science Degree College. Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Veterinary Hospital. Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Spring. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Roorkee, Hardwar comes under state UTTARAKHAND. This is situated 7 kms far from city ROORKEE. Total Population of Village is 607 and household count is 99. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient. Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Campierganj, Gorakhpur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city GORAKHPUR. Total Population of Village is 4679 and household count is 760. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Kaimganj, Farrukhabad comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 10 kms far from city KAIMGANJ. Total Population of Village is 1251 and household count is 232. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Spring. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Bina, Sagar comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 18 kms far from city BINA-ETAWA. Total Population of Village is 237 and household count is 58. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Sironj, Vidisha comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 3 kms far from city SIRONJ. Total Population of Village is 12 and household count is 2. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Chamorshi, Gadchiroli comes under state Maharasht. This is situated 56 kms far from city GADCHIROLI. Total Population of Village is 825 and household count is 214. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Khair, Aligarh comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 10 kms far from city KHAIR. Total Population of Village is 875 and household count is 142. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Gabhana, Aligarh comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 48 kms far from city ALIGARH. Total Population of Village is 1027 and household count is 201. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Dharm Pur
Village Dharm Pur of Tanda, Ambedkar Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 266 and household count is 46. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Belthara Road, Ballia comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0 kms far from city BALLIA. Total Population of Village is 349 and household count is 54. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Maternity And Child Welfare Centre, Family Welfare Centre. Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Aonla , Bareilly comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city BAREILLY. Total Population of Village is 1338 and household count is 255. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Nawabganj , Bareilly comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 12 kms far from city BAREILLY. Total Population of Village is 598 and household count is 107. For Education Village has facility of Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Faridpur , Bareilly comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 4 kms far from city BAREILLY. Total Population of Village is 1099 and household count is 205. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Debai, Bulandshahr comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 9 kms far from city DEBAI. Total Population of Village is 3556 and household count is 576. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, Govt Secondary, Govt Senior Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Dharmpur of Jaspur, Udham Singh Nagar comes under state UTTARAKHAND. This is situated 7 kms far from city JASPUR. Total Population of Village is 1662 and household count is 325. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Govt Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Primary Heallth Sub Centre, Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient. Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
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