Village Nazarpur of Thakurganj, Kishanganj comes under state BIHAR. This is situated kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 0 and household count is . For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Gyanpur, Sant Ravidas Nagar (Bhadohi) comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0 kms far from city SANT RAVIDAS NAGAR (BHADOHI). Total Population of Village is 1060 and household count is 163. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Moradabad, Moradabad comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city MORADABAD. Total Population of Village is 2398 and household count is 415. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Hamirpur, Hamirpur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 3 kms far from city HAMIRPUR. Total Population of Village is 227 and household count is 38. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has Private Engineering College. Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Etah, Etah comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city ETAH. Total Population of Village is 1455 and household count is 228. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Govt Secondary, Govt Senior Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Chandpur, Bijnor comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 8 kms far from city CHANDPUR. Total Population of Village is 503 and household count is 74. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Soraon, Allahabad comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 30 kms far from city ALLAHABAD. Total Population of Village is 291 and household count is 42. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Ghatiya, Ujjain comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 20 kms far from city UJJAIN. Total Population of Village is 5766 and household count is 1131. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, Govt Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Primary Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Itarsi, Hoshangabad comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 13 kms far from city ITARSI. Total Population of Village is 464 and household count is 96. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Spring. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Chopra, Uttar Dinajpur comes under state West Beng. This is situated 43 kms far from city ISLAMPUR. Total Population of Village is 523 and household count is 94. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Bagnan – II, Haora comes under state West Beng. This is situated 4 kms far from city BAGNAN. Total Population of Village is 2110 and household count is 455. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Riga, Sitamarhi comes under state BIHAR. This is situated 12 kms far from city SITAMARHI. Total Population of Village is 1051 and household count is 237. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Nazarpur of Tilhar, Shahjahanpur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 1 kms far from city SHAHJAHANPUR. Total Population of Village is 154 and household count is 17. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, Private Middle, Govt Secondary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
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