Village Shahjadpur of Mandawar, Alwar comes under state RAJASTHAN. This is situated 30 kms far from city KHAIRTHAL. Total Population of Village is 951 and household count is 186. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, Private Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by closed Drainage, open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Rae Bareli , Rae Bareli comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 0 kms far from city RAE BARELI. Total Population of Village is 1070 and household count is 210. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Private Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Karhal, Mainpuri comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 19 kms far from city KARHAL. Total Population of Village is 482 and household count is 88. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Mainpuri, Mainpuri comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 13 kms far from city AUNCHHA. Total Population of Village is 602 and household count is 90. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Hathras - Mahamaya Nagar»उत्तरप्रदेश
Village Shahjadpur of Hathras, Mahamaya Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 8 kms far from city HATHRAS. Total Population of Village is 1804 and household count is 322. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Veterinary Hospital. Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Shahjad Pur
Village Shahjad Pur of Malihabad, Lucknow comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 5 kms far from city MALIHABAD. Total Population of Village is 661 and household count is 107. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Amroha - Jyotiba Phule Nagar»उत्तरप्रदेश
Village Shahjadpur of Amroha, Jyotiba Phule Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city AMROHA. Total Population of Village is 218 and household count is 41. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Shahjad Pur
Amroha - Jyotiba Phule Nagar»उत्तरप्रदेश
Village Shahjad Pur of Dhanaura, Jyotiba Phule Nagar comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated kms far from city . Total Population of Village is 514 and household count is 85. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by closed Drainage, open Drainage, no Drainage on the streets.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Najibabad, Bijnor comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 17 kms far from city BIJNOR. Total Population of Village is 2980 and household count is 449. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Tap Water-Treated, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Shahjad Pur
Village Shahjad Pur of Nawabganj , Bara Banki comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 5 kms far from city JAIDPUR. Total Population of Village is 929 and household count is 192. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by closed Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Kotkasim, Alwar comes under state RAJASTHAN. This is situated 37 kms far from city ALWAR. Total Population of Village is 273 and household count is 45. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
Village Residents
Village Shahjadpur of Powayan, Shahjahanpur comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 15 kms far from city SHAHJAHANPUR. Total Population of Village is 101 and household count is 18. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole. Waste water flows by open Drainage.
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